10 Things to Do Before You Turn 30!

01-Dec-18 03:04 PM
Sushmita Baruah

Think back to your 10-year-old self’s daydreams about your 21st birthday. Perhaps you fancied yourself a world traveler, backpacking across Europe and spending your days sipping wine with the world’s most fascinating people. If your dreams didn’t quite turn out as planned, it’s OK! You should still be cracking open that wine-in-a-box and celebrating your twenties.

To fill your time between now and thirtydom, attempt to be a little bit reckless and a little bit responsible, make goals and surpass them and finally, make memories you will never forget.

Here is your Bucket List: 30 Things to Do Before You Turn 30:

1.     Take a solo trip

In case you’ve always postponed this – then you must surely go for that much-awaited trip now! Post-30s, life changes manifold and you might never again get a chance to hitchhike with strangers and stay with the locals in their homes, drink the local alcohol and celebrate their festivals. Traveling by yourself will definitely push you to get out of your comfort zone, help you discover who you really are and have experiences that you probably wouldn’t have had if you traveled with someone else

2.     Live in a different city, at least once

It might sound like a difficult deal – but at least once, you should think of moving out and staying in a different city, all by yourself. You can either take up a job in a different city or pursue some course, or just take a break and indulge in doing things you like. You can take up some art lessons or join a music class, go for meetups and workshops. But above all, you’ll learn to make a life of your own. 

3.     Take the risk and try the adventure sport you’ve always thought to avoid


Shed your fears and feel the adrenaline rush. Whether it is bungee jumping, diving with the sharks or skydiving – go for it! Get outside, take the leap, put yourself in the hands of those trained professionals, and experience that exhilarating feeling of being so close to staring death in the face.

4.     Learn a foreign language

Imagine how fancy it would be if you can speak French or Spanish fluently! Learning a new language is always a good thing, and it’ll surely make you a more charming person. 

5.     Splurge on something expensive, that you’ve always desired

You are about to end your 20s, and you have a decent job fetching you a stable income – so, don’t you think you deserve to gift yourself something expensive? Of course, you do! Buy that watch or bag that you’ve been eyeing for long, or just go ahead and spend on that latest phone which you think you can’t afford!

6.     Date someone who’s just not your type!

Dating someone who’s not your type will add an interesting chapter to your 20’s story! You’ll learn and grow from being around that person who is absolutely different from you. Maybe the relationship won’t work out in the end, but you’ll surely figure out what kind of a person you wish to be with, in future.

7.     Find that one friend who’ll stick to you, no matter what


You have nearly 700 friends on Facebook who never fail to hit the ‘Like’ button as soon as you put up a post. But at midnight, when you are in a dire need of something, you don’t know whom to call for help! Guess that’s not the desired situation in which you’d like to be trapped. Hence, now is the time to find that one friend, who’ll just be there, without asking ‘why’ and ‘what’ – and extend the helping hand whenever you need.

8.     Go for a cross-country road trip


Still haven’t got an international driving license? It’s time to apply for it and plan for a cross-country road trip with your partner/ friends. Chalk out the route map and spot the places that you wish to cover. While flights might seem to be a more convenient option, this road trip will teach you several lessons that might come handy in other circumstances in life.

9.     Learn to Play an Instrument

We are not all musically adept. At this point, you’ve probably tried to play an instrument sometime in your life, and if that wasn’t The One, maybe there’s another one out there for you. Maybe piano is too advanced for you, but surely you can pull off the tambourine. Playing music taps into underused regions of your brain and lifts your spirits. Plus, you’ll be the life of every party when you surprise people with your harmonica skills.

10.  Volunteer

What do you care about? Is it planting urban trees? Is it children? Is it animals? Is it clean water? Is it healthy eating? All the above? Find your cause and devote yourself to it. Doing good is always a good thing for others, but devoting yourself to a cause is also good for your soul and your sanity; it’s so inspiring to have an interest and a project outside of work and your social life.

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